The Three R's You Need In Your Life

How to get the best form of self care is one of our hottest topics right now. Especially in times like these, where we had and have so many shifts out of our control. But has anyone shared with you about the Art of SOUL Care? I am here to tell you why you need to learn the art of soul care and what it has to do with three R’s.

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According to World Health Organization, self care is, “The ability of individuals, families and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a health-care provider”

Self care teaches about caring for what feels best in the moment. It encourages the momentary tangible areas of your life to bring satisfaction in hopes of promoting our health. Now while those are good goals to shoot for, this definition allows many areas of confusion, various forms of interpretation, and unclear goals truly. Which explains why we have an issue with our culture that has pendulum swung to promoting “If you don’t love it, leave it”.

Enter Soul Care,

there are two reasons I use Soul rather Self.

Soul, reminds us of a slower pace. A pause if you will, when we think about the word “soul.” Try it, think about your soul.


A deeper sense of personhood. We feel things deeper compared to when we think of ourselves as “Self;” as a body or in terms of my body I own.

Secondly, the bible refers to the soul 750 times in the Old Testament (nephesh) and 100 times in the New Testament (psuche or psyche). Both meanings depict a different form of soul. Nephesh reflects more of our human needs, desires and feelings, such as thought, memory and consciousness (Lamentations 3:20). Whereas, psyche evokes the deepest parts of ourselves. (Hebrews 4:12). Needless to say it’s a significant part of our lives.

Lately after breakfast, Jude and I have been reading Our 24 Family Ways as our morning time read. We have spent the past weeks learning the following scripture and it applies perfectly to this post,

And He said to them, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”- Matthew 22:37

We are to adore Jesus with everything in us, including our soul. The soul created by God should be totally turned towards loving him.

Where am I going with all this? The soul is an important and deeper sense of self that requires intention, time, and reflection to care for it. Yet, it also encompasses the physical being, not just of pleasure or gratification. The wellbeing of our soul effects every area of our lives. Keep reading to learn the art of Soul Care with these 3 R’s.



Have you checked your schedule lately?

You have been bombarded with many things that fight for your attention! I get it, it all can feel very important. But take a moment to rest! Carve out some time in your day to consider what is actually important for you to give your attention to. Your brain could use a break from all the stimulation! Go for a walk in a new place, journal those thoughts that you haven’t expressed yet, try some breathing exercises (breath in peace, breathe out worries).


You might or might not believe in God, but we are all in need of a connection. It helps us not feel alone, the burdens feel small, and we feel empowered to move along. So for reconnect, look at your support system, relational links, or spiritual connection. Take a moment to think of your top 3 forms of connection and think of how you can continue to grow that relationship. We don’t stumble upon healthy relationships, we stumble upon toxic relationships because we don’t have healthy ones to fall back on. Refer back to rest if you feel like you don’t have time to reconnect.

Feeling Revived

This one is my favorite! When you can grow in Rest and Reconnecting, the feelings of Revival naturally take place. It may or may not look how you imagined it for yourself, but this is where you can evaluate more of how you are doing with rest and reconnecting. Biologically, the more you allow connection and different forms of rest within your life, you are allowing your brain to pull out of survival or crisis phase. Thus, giving it the opportunity to breathe, reflect, or even develop natural forms of dopamine or pleasure/enjoyment to care for your soul.


Soul Care Sips

Use the 3 R’s as a way to keep up with your soul care. Rest, gives you time to free up your mind. Reconnection, allows you to reflect on your relational links to keep up healthy relationships. Feeling Revived will help you evaluate how you are doing with your other two areas of soul care.


If you would like to continue to grow in your journey with your soul care, book a discovery call with me or work with me in a coaching session!

Jovanna Penney